jueves, 5 de mayo de 2022

Second Term: Programming

Class Objective: 

Evaluate and select with arguments, proposals and decisions around a design.

Programming Language: Javascript

Javascript is a powerful language, capable of providing effective solutions in most areas of technology. It is especially important because it is the only programming language that browsers understand, with which part of the frontend functionality is developed in modern websites and web applications. But it is also fundamental in many other types of developments.

Taken from: miro.medium.com/max/800/0*aH8YUI7nqAZ6b-V_.png

Its most important uses are the following: Client-side website development (frontend, in browser) Development of all kinds of applications thanks to the NodeJS platform Development of applications for mobile devices, hybrids or that compile to native Development of desktop applications for Windows, Linux and Mac systems, being able to write a code compatible with all platforms.

Taken from: Javascript (desarrolloweb.com)

Recognizing JavaScript with the support of a Colombian Entrepreneur.

Taken from: Youtube Channel Platzi

Other support that we can keeping in mind...

Reproduce this explanation to practice in the programming language.

Taken from: Youtube Channel FalconMasters


Taken from: Youtube Channel FalconMasters

Taken from: Youtube Channel FalconMasters

Proposed Activity

Keeping in mind the explanation of the main aspects of JavaScript try to solve the following situation:

It is necessary organice the schedule of an university student keeping in mind this:

  • The student has class monday to friday
  • Each one day he/she needs to register at maximum 5 classes and its respective hourlyintensity

The programa needs to show:

  • Name of the student
  • Code
  • Academic Program
  • Facullty
  • Semester
  • Schedule per day and total class hours per day and per week.
When you finish send the file to mail: julian.ruiz@lacordaire.edu.co

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