jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

Third Term: Entrepreneurship Proposal

 APA Standard in Word

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Taken from: Youtube - Technology for Teachers and Students

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References and Citing sources

Taken from: Youtube - professorjedi

Week 23-24: February 21st to March 4th

Class Objective:

Use technological solutions through innovation, research, development and experimentation strategies, and argue the criteria and the weighting of the factors used.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

We all have the ability to generate different, creative and innovative things, however, it may be that some people do not feel so identified with this. There are studies that show that when we are children, our creativity is greater since we are not "contaminated" with beliefs, experiences and thoughts that limit our ability to dream.

Taken from: InnovaKids, un programa de innovación y emprendimiento para niños | Madres Hoy

Now, innovation is associated with creativity to the extent that innovating can mean the possibility of creating different things. On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that innovation starts from errors or failures on many occasions and this constantly invites us to learn to live with the error and overcome it.

Taken from: La importancia de fomentar la innovación y la creatividad en la familia - Banco W | | Banco W | Así de simple, así de amable

Taken from: Los Niños Creativos Redactan La Nube, Hecha Con El Texto Solamente Stock de ilustración - Ilustración de idea, blanco: 127025499 (dreamstime.com)

Designing Projects

Design is a fundamental process in the life cycle of a project that, although it does not guarantee the achievement of the objectives, is an indispensable requirement for this. Project design seeks to collect and analyze a set of aspects thoroughly to determine if it is viable or not. This work aims to expose the elements to be taken into account for the design of a project.

A project is designed on the basis of a diagnosis in which the 'problems' that afflict the community are detected (…) It serves as a starting point for planning and developing programs. The important thing is that the project aims to solve a specific problem among the many that may exist in a community. (Division of social organizations, 2001)

In the literature, the points are identified for a project to be well designed and formulated: (Egg Ezequiel & Aguilar Idáñez, 1989) (Méndez, s / f) (Division of social organizations, 2001) 

  • Identify the beneficiaries and key stakeholders; 
  • Make a diagnosis of the problem situation;
  • Define possible strategies to face it and the justification of the assumed strategy; 
  • Establish the objectives of the project (general and specific); 
  • Show the expected results or products and expose the activities and minimum resources necessary. 
  • Contemplate the definition of indicators to monitor and verify the results obtained, 
  • Who will execute the project (responsible and administrative structure) 
  • In how long will the products be obtained and the planned objectives will be achieved 
  • Establish the external factors that guarantee its feasibility and success.

Taken from: Dominio de las Ciencias

Keeping in mind this...

What is the entrepreneurship proposal of degree project?

It is a proposal that is proposed as a solution to the problem addressed in the research project. It is directly related to the last specific objective of the research project and must be a response to the problem raised. 

The entrepreneurship proposal comprises a general objective (Specific objective), justification, which is the argumentation of the importance of implementing said proposal, a methodology, which is the description of the process of how the proposal will be implemented, Operational table, which is the table of activities necessary to develop the proposal and some conclusions and / or recommendations as an evaluation of the proposal.

Taken from: https://miro.medium.com/max/12000/1*962HZfPxQCrN0W5EsgiV3w.jpeg

This proposal is worked in three phases.

  • First Phase: Analysis of the problem and proposal statement (Objectives and Justification)
  • Second Phase: Structuring of the proposal (Methodology and Operational Table)
  • Third Phase: Implementation and Evaluation (Conclusions and / or Recommendations) 

Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning and acting focused on opportunities, raised with a global vision and carried out through balanced leadership and the management of a calculated risk, its result is the creation of value that benefits the company, the economy and society. (Law 1014 of 2006, art. 1).

An entrepreneurial attitude is understood as the personal disposition to act proactively in any situation in life. This attitude generates innovative ideas that can be materialized in projects or alternatives to satisfy needs and solve problems. Likewise, it encourages the growth and permanent improvement of the life project.

Taking into account the previous sections answer the following questions:

  1. What do you consider as entrepreneurship? 
  2. How can you identify a good entrepreneurship today? 
  3. How many types of entrepreneurship do you know?
  4. Now, How many types of entreprenership exist? Explain each one 
  5. Do you know someone who has developed an entrepreneurship? Describe it
  6. If you had the opportunity to star an entrepreneurship, what would you like to start? Describe what it would be like
Send in a write document to mail: julian.ruiz@lacordaire.edu.co

Now, guided by the questionnaire of the previous class and according to what has been seen about the approach of a purpose and a justification, let's start with the structuring of our entrepreneurship proposal. For this you can guide yourself with the attached formats.


It´s necessary that you send the EP TEMPLATE file to mail: julian.ruiz@lacordaire.edu.co

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